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Our Code of Conduct includes the values, rules and principles of Society of Lifestyle with the purpose of ensuring a professional conduct throughout all aspects of the company.


Edition: 06/2022

General Principles

This Code of Conduct reflects the values of Society of Lifestyle and is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Global Compact. UN Global Compact contains 10 principles, covering the areas Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. The 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact are derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

When signing this Code of Conduct we wish for our suppliers to commit to the same principles. 

Working to implement these principles is a long and challenging process, but Society of Lifestyle encourage all our suppliers to join us in working actively with implementation and due diligence in their own business. All such efforts will be acknowledged as part of the foundation of a strong business partnership.



The requirements of this Code extend to all factories producing Society of Lifestyle products and all their workers working within those factories, regardless of their status or relationship with suppliers. This Code therefore also applies to workers who are engaged informally, on short-term contracts or on a part-time basis.

Where there are differences between the terms of this Code of Conduct and national laws or other applicable standards, suppliers shall adhere to the higher requirements. If conflicts between national law and this Code of Conduct are detected, suppliers must inform Society of Lifestyle immediately.



Transparency is essential for Society of Lifestyle in order to work towards a more sustainable supply chain and as part of this it is essential for Society of Lifestyle, that suppliers show transparency and disclose information on their production units to Society of Lifestyle upon request. The information should be updated on a regular basis and/or when changes occur.


Managing your Supply Chain

Suppliers must have a proper management system to ensure that the principles of this Code are not violated, that continuous improvements are implemented and that requirements are cascaded throughout the Society of Lifestyle value chain. Part of this includes performing your own risk assessments and self-assessments of all production units and sub-suppliers.


Monitoring and Evaluation

All production units shall be open to audits at any time if requested by Society of Lifestyle. In the case where we require an audit of the facility, we may be represented by an independent third-party auditing company of our choice.

Where instances of non-compliance are detected during supplier visits, suppliers will be given a fixed period to remediate the findings. In the event of failure to remediate, Society of Lifestyle is willing to engage in a constructive dialogue with suppliers to develop and implement action plans with appropriate time scales for implementation and improvements to be achieved.

Society of Lifestyle does not operate with a passed/failed policy and terminating a business relationship will only be the last instance.


The Society of Lifestyle requirements

Following paragraphs reflect the Society of Lifestyle values as well as legal requirements and constitutes minimum requirements for our suppliers within each area.


Human Rights and Labour Rights

Forced labour

  • Forced Labour is strictly prohibited throughout the entire Society of Lifestyle supply chain. See our separate Anti-Slavery Policy, Appendix B, for requirements and procedures, which applies for all Society of Lifestyle suppliers and their sub-suppliers.
  • Suppliers must not use forced, prisoned or illegal labour in any of our supplier’s production units.
  • Workers shall not have to leave any sort of deposit and/or ID/passport when hired by the factory.
  • The worker shall always sign a contract upon beginning work at the factory. The contract shall be written in a language that the worker understands.
  • The worker has the right to terminate the employment according to national law.
  • Overtime shall always be voluntary.
  • Workers shall have free access to toilets, water and praying rooms at all times if/when necessary.
  • Suppliers must ensure that all feasible measures are taken to prevent workers from falling into debt bondage through company loans.


Child Labour and young workers

  • Child Labour is strictly prohibited throughout the entire Society of Lifestyle supply chain. See our separate Child Labour Policy, Appendix C, for requirements and procedures, which applies for all Society of Lifestyle suppliers and their sub-suppliers.
  • Supplier shall have sufficient management systems in place to ensure that no children under 15 years of age are working in production units producing for Society of Lifestyle. If the law states a higher age, then this must be followed.
  • Young workers under the age of 18 may only perform light work and only within normal working hours. Suppliers must comply with all local laws concerning young workers.
  • Young workers must not be exposed to work that is harmful to their morals or health, dangerous to life, or likely to hamper their normal development.


Freedom of association

  • Suppliers shall recognize the right of workers to join, form or not to join trade unions of their choice without fear of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment.
  • The supplier shall engage in collective bargaining with a legally recognized employee representative.
  • When law restricts unions, the supplier should encourage and not prevent the formation of worker committees, from which workers can, collectively express their grievances directly to the management.


Working hours and compensation

  • Working hours shall always be kept within the limits of national law but no higher than 60 hours per week, including overtime hours.
  • Workers shall receive at least one rest day in a 7-days period.
  • Workers shall be free to refuse overtime without fearing contract termination or punishment.
  • All national laws regarding compensation of workers, shall be kept.
  • Withholding of wages for any reason is prohibited.
  • Workers shall be given at least the national minimum wage, and this should be enough to meet the basic needs of the workers.
  • Pay slips must always be signed and handed over to the respective worker.
  • National law on social insurances must be always kept.


Discrimination and harassment

  • Workers shall never be discriminated against in relation to race, color, caste, nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, or marital status.
  • The supplier must ensure that policies are in place to prevent any form of harassment and discrimination in the factory.


Health and Safety

Management systems

  • The supplier shall have sufficient management systems in place to ensure that health and safety of the workers are never compromised in any decisions taken.
  • The supplier shall conduct periodic risk assessments to ensure that all risks are managed and that there is no risk to human life or risks that can cause serious accidents.



  • The working environment must be safe, healthy, and clean at all times and all working stations shall be provided with sufficient lighting.
  • Relevant first aid equipment must be available and where legally required a doctor or nurse shall be available during working hours.


Fire safety

  • All local laws regarding fire safety must be kept, and all facilities producing for Society of Lifestyle must as a minimum install adequate warning systems, fire safety equipment and well-marked exits and escape routes.
  • Fire escapes shall be clear for passage and must not be locked or blocked at any time.
  • Fire drills must be conducted on an annual basis.
  • The supplier shall ensure that safety precautions regarding the use, storage and handling of chemicals are taken.
  • The supplier shall ensure, that electrical installations are according to law and does not pose a risk to fire safety in the production facility.


Chemical handling

  • All chemicals and hazardous materials must be safely handled, transported, and disposed of according to law.
  • Workers must be trained in handling chemicals and shall always be provided sufficient protective equipment when handling these.
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) must be provided for all chemicals on site.


Dormitories, kitchens, and dining rooms

  • Dormitories must be placed in buildings separate to the production building.
  • Dormitories must have sufficient living and storage space for workers.
  • Workers must have easy access to food or sanitary food storage, clean water, and toilet/bathing facilities.
  • Dormitories, kitchens, and dining areas must take all required health and safety as well as fire safety precautions


Environmental Protection

As minimum requirements on environmental protection, Society of Lifestyle expect all our suppliers to:

  • Comply with all applicable national, regional, and international environmental laws and regulations.
  • Use water responsibly in production
  • Dispose of wastewater responsibly and in accordance with applicable legislation.
  • Monitor all emissions that are produced during production in accordance with applicable legislation.
  • Handle and dispose of solid waste in a responsible way in accordance with appliable legislation.

For more detailed requirements, see the Society of Lifestyle Environmental Policy, Appendix E.



Society of Lifestyle are committed to adhere to the UN Convention Against Corruption and we expect the same commitment from our suppliers. In short, this means that:

  • Suppliers shall work against corruption in all forms.
  • Suppliers shall establish adequate processes to avoid corrupt practices. Such processes should support and be in line with the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

For more detailed requirements, please see our Anti-Corruption Policy, Appendix F.


Ethical Sourcing

  • For Society of Lifestyle, it is part of our company values, that we do business with a high sense of moral and ethics and that no people or animal are harmed during the production of our goods. All suppliers are expected to live up to the specified requirements in our Ethical Sourcing Policy, see Appendix G.



  • Adherence to all legal limits and legislation on chemicals is a basic and mandatory requirement for all Society of Lifestyle productions and products. See our Chemical Policy in Appendix H.
  • It is supplier’s responsibility that any product supplied to Society of Lifestyle is free of prohibited substances and chemicals beyond the legal limits of the REACH regulation.
  • Suppliers must follow the requirements on documentation concerning Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC-list) in articles imported to the EU.
  • Society of Lifestyle may conduct random testing.


Animal Welfare

  • Society of Lifestyle requires that the supplier, direct and indirect, respects animal welfare and that they have the proper policies and procedures in place to ensure animal welfare in their supply chain.
  • Society of Lifestyle products deriving from animals, shall be produced with the highest regard to the welfare of the animals.
  • Suppliers shall ensure that animals are treated according to the Five Animal Freedoms.